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Our world is changing. Digital technologies have advanced more rapidly than any innovation in our history, disrupting societies and transforming the way we learn and communicate, the way we work, even the way we think. In response to this challenge, and in line with Dato’ Radzak Malek’s Presidential Strategy, we are launching our Digitalisation and Industry 4.0 Campaign.

In these times of change, staying relevant has never been more important. During this campaign we will be using our social media platforms to raise awareness of the transformation our industry is facing, highlighting future trends and helping members understand the implications for their current work and ongoing career.

The campaign will be running from now until the end of the year, and will be supported by a programme of interviews with thought leaders, webinars on key topics, tutorials with experts, and ‘In Conversation’ pieces on specific areas of interest. Keep an eye on the Events section of the CILT website for details of upcoming activities.

We will also be publishing a Digitalisation Bulletin featuring articles, papers, podcasts and other materials created by CILT members from around the world. Look out for articles in the Publication section of the CILT website. The call for contributions is now live. Find out how to get involved here.

This campaign is dedicated to making our members aware of changes and innovations in the logistics and transport industry, supporting their personal career development, and ensuring that together we can seize the opportunities of Industry 4.0.

We as an Institute are proud of our heritage, but we are also proud of how we have changed. We must continue to look forward. We must keep innovating and developing for the future, ensuring every CILT member is prepared for the road ahead. Together we will shape the future of logistics and transport.

Source: CILT International