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Cyril, you could not wait for a few more years to see the medallion chain of office around my neck as that would have accomplished your vision and what you wanted me to be, however, our maker knows best. At least I did not disappoint you as we both worked for it. You will forever be my HERO. You discovered me in Accra in 2005 when we were preparing to host 2007 International Council Meeting, where in attendance was going to be Her Royal Highness Princess Ann, and the President of Ghana among very important dignitaries.

Cyril, you saw the potential in me and mentored me to be who I am now. I learnt a lot from you and you modelled me to fit into the international space and in particular the CILT space.

You gave me the opportunity to visit the Buckingham Palace on 2 occasions during the preparatory meeting with HRH and her team. You had briefed me so well that you deliberately allowed me to go for these meetings alone so as to learn within the ranks in all situations and build confidence in myself to survive when the need arises. With your organization skills, we pulled through successfully with the 2007 ICM in Accra where You and I won the admiration of the Buckingham Palace and in particular HRH. Evidence of that hard work was when HRH with the support of the CILT handed over the PEGASUS award to me in Birmingham, the first time that award has been awarded to an individual since 1919.

You had the drive and the passion for all the CILT communities most especially the African Continent and with the assistance of Dr. David Maunder you set up the “Africa Support Group” which later was changed to “Africa Forum” that has now become a force to reckon with.

You put a smile and build confidence in any person that came your way. You gave me the exposure, travelled with me globally in the quest to mould me, little did I know I will be where I am now as I was always working hard and following my passion with your support and encouragement.

Cyril, I owe what I am in CILT to you. Even though you are gone, I know deep down my heart you are always going to be my HERO and my guiding Angel. I will make you proud and also keep your legacy on. You always advised me to be mentoring people and trust me I am assiduously doing it as your legacy, and will always be remembered.

I pray to the almighty God to keep your lovely wife Kathy Bleasdale whose infectious smile always transcends love, long life and perfect health.

MY MENTOR, MY FRIEND, MY BOSS, MY HERO, YOU HAVE UNDOUBTEDLY PAID YOUR DUES as the first Secretary General of CILT International, rest in perfect peace till we meet again.

CILT International President Elect