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Membership Grades

We have four grades of membership based on experience, responsibility and education. Here is the grades of memberships at CILT:

Grade #1


The grade of Affiliate is open to anyone who has an interest in logistics and/or transport but may not be able to, or may not desire to, reach one of our higher grades. It also includes students who have enrolled on the Institute’s International Professional Programmes such as the Certficate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Logistics and Transport. This grade has no post-nominal attached to it, nor does it include Institute voting rights.

Grade #2


The grade of Member is an entry to Chartered Membership. It is open to those who have completed the CILT International Certificate or Diploma. Membership for this grade is as well open to those with approved qualification at level 3 or 4 in logistics or transport. This grade also required that the applicant has at least 3 years experience in a relevant junior management position. This grade allows the member to use the post-nominal ‘MILT’ after their name. Candidates without a level 3 or 4 qualification but with management responsibility over an extended period (at least 8 years) may submit a portfolio of evidence for consideration under the Accreditation of Prior Achievement (APA) process.

Grade #3

Chartered Member

Chartered Member is the first of our Chartered grades. This grade is to those who hold the CILT international Advanced Diploma, or accredited equivalent (Usually an approved degree). The grade also requires 5 years experience in a relevant senior management role. The grade of Chartered Member entitled the member to use the post-nominal ’CMILT’ after their name and gives the member the right to vote at the AGM and other institute meetings. There are also other, direct routes to the Chartered Membership such as the Professional Entry Route enables experienced logistics or transport professionals who do not meet the standard academic requirements for Chartered Membership, to demonstrate that they broadly satisfy the Institute’s criteria. Please contact the National Secretariat. for more information.

Grade #4

Chartered Fellow

Chartered Fellow is our highest grade of membership. Fellowship is reserved for those who hold top level positions, such as Director or Chairman, within the logistics and transport sector. The grade requires the applicant to have 7 or more years experience in a relevant top level position. Chartered Fellow may also be awarded to those who have attained a position of eminence in the sector. The grade of Chartered Fellow allows the member to use the post-nominal ‘FCILT’ after their name, and to vote at the AGM and other Institute meetings.
On exceptional circumstances, individual who have distinguished themselves practically in the field of logistics and transport but who may not have the requisite academic and/or professional qualifications may be granted Honorary Fellowship with the post nominal ‘Hon. FCILT’

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